In order to meet compliance, a business has to undertake regular audits of its regulatory standards and by using the ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ cycle we can monitor for continuous improvement. Audits can take time but they are essential for giving you an objective assessment of the business.
Positioning a care home for a thorough inspection by CQC can be a daunting experience for most service providers but at T Chauhan consultancy I work with you as a “critical friend”. By the time the inspection team arrives you are more than ready, but, if required, I can be on hand to help you during the time of inspection including assisting with the Provider Information Return. This is a crucial reporting mechanism which CQC use to assess how providers view themselves in terms of quality against five key questions which form part of the inspection process. Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 providers should have this information readily available.
Regulation 10 imposes a duty on all care home owners to undertake regular audits against the five key questions: Safe, Effective, Caring. Responsive and Well-Led.
Plan, Do, Check and Act today by contacting me